Hydrogen projects

Spanish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies platform
Initiative promoted by the Spanish Hydrogen Association and supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. In the Platform participate a large number of national entities whose activities are related to Hydrogen and Fuel Cell technologies.

Hydrogen Projects Census
The AeH2 Hydrogen Projects Census is an initiative in the form of an interactive map that allows to obtain a global and synthesized view of the hydrogen projects being carried out by our partners in Spain.

European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC)
EHEC is the reference conference in the framework of hydrogen technologies at the European level. The EHEC provides an excellent framework to learn about the latest developments related to hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and represents the best scenario to showcase the latest advances in research, projects and, products in the sector. Furthermore, it brings together all the agents of the hydrogen sector and related sectors, both in Europe and the rest of the world.

GREEN HYSLAND aims to deploy a fully-functioning Hydrogen (H2) ecosystem in the island of Mallorca, Spain, turning the island into Europe’s first H2 hub in Southern Europe. This will be achieved by producing green hydrogen from solar energy and delivering it to the end-users, such as the island’s tourism, transport, industry, and energy sectors, including gas grid injection for green heat and power local end-use.

Hydrogen Industry Sectoral Policy Agenda
The Hydrogen Industry Sectoral Policy Agenda seeks to be a document agreed upon by all the agents of the sector, from public institutions, financial entities and, standardization bodies, to the organizations that operate in the different links of the hydrogen value chain, which will allow promoting the deployment and industrial development of hydrogen in Spain.

Technical Committee CTN-181
The Technical Committee for Standardization CTN-181 on Hydrogen Technologies (mirror Committee of the International Committee ISO TC 197) is the Committee responsible for the standardization of all aspects related to systems and devices for the production, storage, transport, distribution, measurement and, use of hydrogen.