Company’s description
The Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) is the largest public institution in Spain dedicated to scientific and technical research and one of the most prominent in the European Research Area. It is attached to the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the General Secretariat for Research. It is responsible for carrying out activities aimed at the transfer of research results, with special attention to the promotion and creation of technology-based companies, and expert advice to public administrations and private institutions. There are 36 Research Groups working in the Hydrogen Technologies area, distributed in 14 different Institutes and Centres located in 6 cities (Madrid, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Seville, Oviedo and Valencia). The lines of research include: PEM, alkaline and solid oxide fuel cells and electrolysers; Photo(electro)-catalytic water splitting and thermochemical cycles; Fossil fuel reforming without CO2 emissions; Biomass gasification, biomass by-product and biogas reforming; Materials for hydrogen storage. Applied research of high TRLs in mobility technologies is coordinated within the Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform “Mobility 2030”, which includes the research groups related to hydrogen technologies (
Main lines of business of the entity