AeH2 Committees
Strategy Committee
H2B2 Electrolysis Technologies | D. Javier Brey Sánchez |
INTA | D. Antonio González García-Conde |
Gobierno de Aragón | D. Carlos Javier Navarro Espada |
Fundación H2 Aragón | D. Fernando Palacín Arizón |
1.- Information
- Coordinates the distribution of information to members and non-members:
To partners:
- First level: define criteria for distributing information received at the AeH2’s Technical Secretariat.
- Second level: Newsletter for partners.
To non-members: define criteria to know what information should be given to non-members when requested.
2.- Dissemination
- AeH2 website: it will be the task of this committee to give guidelines and draw up proposals for content to be included on the AeH2 public website, in accordance with the objectives and aims of the Association.
- External image of AeH2: In general terms, there should be a corporate identity manual and a manual of functions. In the absence of these, general and specific recommendations can be established, which will be refined with the “jurisprudence” that we accumulate. In addition, this committee will validate any action. At least validate the contents of corporate material.
National Coordinating Committee
H2B2 Electrolysis Technologies | D. Javier Brey Sánchez |
Air Liquide | D. Luis González Arnanz |
Gobierno de Aragón | D. Carlos Javier Navarro Espada |
Carburos Metálicos | D. Carles Pallé Caminal |
Fundación CIDAUT | D. Francisco V. Tinaut Fluixá |
International Coordinating Committee
H2B2 Electrolysis Technologies | D. Javier Brey Sánchez |
INTA | D. Antonio González García-Conde |
Gobierno de Aragón | D. Carlos Javier Navarro Espada |
Fundación H2 Aragón | D. Fernando Palacín Arizón |
Scientific and Technological Coordination Committee
CIEMAT | D. José María Sánchez Hervás |
CNH2 | D. Emilio Nieto |
Naturgy | D. José Luis García Valdeolivas |
Fundación CIDAUT | D. Francisco V. Tinaut Fluixá |
At the scientific level, the tasks of this Committee will:
At the technological level, the Committee will carry out work on: