Renewco Power

Descripción de la compañía
We are a highly experienced team of entrepreneurs and renewable energy specialists who believe that clean energy is both an attractive commercial opportunity and a positive force that can make the world a healthier and more sustainable place to live. Our mission is to accelerate the deployment of large-scale solar, wind, green hydrogen and storage to enable countries to decarbonise their energy systems. We have set ourselves the ambitious challenge of developing projects with a combined capacity of 2GW by 2025, with a pipeline of a further 3GW. Our business model is to grow sustainably through asset turnover as we reach the ready to build status. However, with the financial support of our partner Corran Capital, we will explore the option of financing, building and owning assets for operation on a case by case basis.
Renewco takes a collaborative approach and seeks to work with local developers, brokers and landowners to create a diversified portfolio of projects across multiple geographies. Through our expertise and commitment to sustainability, we add value and minimise risk to projects at all stages from origination, development, design, construction, acquisition and financing to eventual sale.
Principales líneas de negocio de la entidad
Development of renewable energy generation projects, including solar, wind, storage and green hydrogen.