OCA Global
Descripción de la compañía
OCA Global provides
- Consulting
- Independent Technical Advisory
- Regulatory and Voluntary Inspection and Testing services for Project Developers
- Investment Funds
- EPCs
- Constructors
- Industrial Corporations, Administrations, and Public Agencies
- Public, multilateral, and private financial institutions
OCA Global accompanies its clients throughout the entire development cycle of #RenewableGeneration plants, including green H2 generation plants, #Stand-alone or Hybridized plants with photovoltaic installations, electrolyzers, and storage systems to increase their manageability. OCA Global is a private corporation with more than 90 offices, headquartered in Spain, and more than 15 subsidiaries and project offices worldwide.
Principales líneas de negocio de la entidad
Consulting, testing, and technical advice for renewable and storage plants, either lithium or H2.