Confederación Española de Empresarios de Estaciones de Servicio (CEEES)

Centros de investigación, organismos públicos y entidades sin ánimo de lucro
Calle de Núñez de Balboa, 116, 3ª planta, 28006 Madrid

Descripción de la compañía

The Spanish Confederation of Gas Stations Owners (CEEES) is a national non-profit organization established more than forty years ago with the aim of being the meeting place for all Spanish independent gas station owners. CEEES focuses its activity on representing its associates before the different national, regional, and local institutions and stakeholders, in defense of their professional activity and common action to obtain material, social and labor improvements for the sector, as well as for the whole of Spanish society. CEEES is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and subscribes to the Sustainable Development Goals of this entity, among which are that of ‘Affordable and non-polluting energy’; ‘Sustainable cities and communities’; “Responsible consumption and production”; or ‘Action for the climate’. Hydrogen, and in particular 100% renewable green hydrogen, is called upon to play a fundamental role in the achievement of any of these objectives.

Principales líneas de negocio de la entidad

As a national non-profit association that defends the interests of gas station owners, CEEES does not have business lines as such, but rather tries to help its associates cope in a changing and increasingly hostile environment. Among the activities of CEEES, the following stand out:

  • Information.
  • Training.
  • Guide our associates in the energy transition of their businesses.
  • Put our associates in contact with leading suppliers in their sectors.