Company’s description
Since its creation in 1980, Cetren has promoted, boosted, and disseminated railways as a transport mean at a national and international level.
Cetren is a Certification Body and Independent Safety Assessor accredited by the National Accreditation Entity, ENAC. Attributes that characterize us as independent, impartial, competent, and experienced, among others, led us to be notified by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works to the European Commission and to the other Member States as the Spanish Notified Body for “EC” conformity and suitability assessment to use interoperability constituents and “EC” subsystem verification. These same attributes have allowed Cetren to be the Designated Body by the National Safety Agency.
In 2019 have expanded the traditional activities with the Testing Laboratory, equipped with qualified professionals and the latest technologies necessary to carry out the tests required in the Technical Specification for Interoperability persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility. In 2007 Cetren was established as the first Private Center approved by the National Safety Agency under the Spanish Ministry of Public Works to impart all Railway personnel certificates.
Main lines of business of the entity
- Association.
- Certification / Inspection.
- Laboratory.
- Training.