EHEC 2005 in Zaragoza
The first edition of the European Hydrogen Energy Conference celebrated in Spain took place in Zaragoza in 2005. The event was organised by the Spanish Hydrogen Association (AeH2) with a great success, since more than 500 participants from all around the world came to the Conference. The event was devoted to the exchange of scientific and technical information, the presentations and posters had expounded the advances in the different subjects of the Conference:

- Hydrogen production.
- Hydrogen transportation, distribution and refuelling stations.
- Hydrogen storage.
- Hydrogen utilisation.
- Fuel cells R&D.
- Hydrogen and fuel cells applications.
- Hydrogen energy systems: design, analysis and simulations.
- Environmental issues.
- Codes and standards.
- Safety.
- Hydrogen economy.
- Social acceptance and hydrogen policies.